Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Strategies for Teaching Science


I am teaching middle school science at Tarkington School of Excellent. When teaching science the three strategies that are essential for me to be effective are the scientific method, Think Pair Share, and K-W-L

Friday, July 15, 2011

UBD Stage 1 "Power Of Persuasion

The Power of Persuasion

Summary of Curricular Context: This learning experience is gear towards urban middle school students that have an active interest in social justice. It is a language arts lesson that focuses on the power of persuasion in written form. Within each lesson the students will learn the essential parts of persuasive writing such as creating effective leads, organization and the importance of sequential order. The students must have the common knowledge of using correct citation, correct use of grammar and sentence structure. From this the students will create a persuasive essay about a social justice issue that effects their lives.

Objectives: There are three main objectives and one overarching objective that should be accomplished with this unit. They are: the learner will demonstrate an understanding of essay structure, the learner will organize information in a logic sequential order, the learner will support their positions with at least two concrete facts, and finally, the learner will develop a persuasive essay.

Learning Goals: At the end of this unit the student will be able to successfully be able to use the power of persuasion for social justice issues.

Enduring Understanding
1. What is persuasion?
2. How can persuasion alleviate social issues?

Essential Questions
1. How can persuasion be interpreted?
2. Should persuasion include the opposition’s view point?
3. What if persuasion is not powerful enough?

Knowledge Skills
Know basic sentence structure
Understand Facts and opinions
Understand justice
Know how to construct paragraphs
Know how to cite information
Create tone and voice
Understand sequencing